Absentee-Owned RC Vehicle and Accessories E-Commerce / Retail Business - SC2196
Absentee-Owned Northern California Remote Control Vehicle and Accessories E-Commerce / Retail Business - SC2196
Asking Price: $600,000
Cash Flow: On request
Gross Revenue: $2,000,000
Down Payment: $300,000
This Northern Californian Remote Control (RC) Vehicle and Accessory Business is a California Sub-Chapter S Corporation that has been in existence for 20 years and under current ownership since inception. Located in Northern California, they supply via e-commerce and retail an astounding array of products from rock crawlers, cars, trucks, racing vehicles, bashers, semi-trucks, and accessories from tools, supplies and electronics. Known in industry for high quality products and an astounding array of inventory, they have been supplying products across North America and internationally for many years. They cater to mainly hobbyists and enthusiasts of all ages and experience levels supporting their RC Lifestyle! They allow each customer to customize and optimize any type of vehicle to their taste. They provide a multitude of replacement parts and upgraded parts to allow for greater performance. They are a specialized hobby shop, offering experienced staff and in-depth knowledge. They have been at the forefront of trends and new releases and are one of the primary leaders in the retail side of the industry. Priding themselves on super-fast shipping and customer service, their customer reviews truly reflect this.
Business Location
City: Northern California
State: California
Reason for Sale
The reason for selling is the Seller would like to pursue other interests.
Detailed information
Year Established: 2004
Home Based: No
Franchise: No
Relocatable: No
Lender Prequalified: No
SBA Prequalified: No
Full-Time Employees: 4
Part-Time Employees: N/A
Contractors: N/A
Owner Worked Hours/w: N/A
Adjusted EBITDA: On request
Inventory Included: Yes
Inventory Value: $550,000
Monthly Rent: $3,500
Real Estate Available: No
Real Estate Included: No
Real Estate Value: N/A
Building Size: 6000
FF&E Included?: Yes
FF&E Value: $50,000
The Seller is willing to train the new Owner for up to 2 weeks at 30 hours per week. Additional training from the Seller may be available at mutually agreed upon compensation from the Buyer to the Seller.
Market Outlook/Competition
The remote-control products – hobby market is expected to experience significant growth in the upcoming years, owing to a host of factors. Technological advancements over the past decade coupled with strides taken by semiconductor and electronics industries are expected to play a key role in the development of new remote-controlled products. The global remote-control products – hobby market is expected to attain a value of over $2 Billion by the end of 2027.
CA 02100708
NV 1003039
Listed By: Charise Morojo
Background information
Year established:
Reason selling:
The reason for selling is the Seller would like to pursue other interests.
Full-Time Employees: 4 Part-Time Employees: N/A Contractors: N/A
FF&E Included?: Yes FF&E Value: $50,000
Inventory Included: Yes Inventory Value: $550,000
Furniture fixtures and equipment:
FF&E Included?: Yes FF&E Value: $50,000
Real Estate Available: No Real Estate Included: No Real Estate Value: N/A Building Size: 6000 FF&E Included?: Yes FF&E Value: $50,000
Square footage:
Building Size: 6000
Rent and lease terms:
Monthly Rent: $3,500
Business Location City: Northern California State: California
Technological advancements over the past decade coupled with strides taken by semiconductor and electronics industries are expected to play a key role in the development of new remote-controlled products. The global remote-control products – hobby market is expected to attain a value of over $2 Billion by the end of 2027.
The remote-control products – hobby market is expected to experience significant growth in the upcoming years, owing to a host of factors. Technological advancements over the past decade coupled with strides taken by semiconductor and electronics industries are expected to play a key role in the development of new remote-controlled products. The global remote-control products – hobby market is expected to attain a value of over $2 Billion by the end of 2027.
Price and terms
Down payment:
The Seller is willing to carry a note for up to 50% of the purchase price at 8% interest over 5 years. The amount financed by the Seller will depend on the offered purchase price for the business and the quality of the Buyer.
The Seller is willing to train the new Owner for up to 2 weeks at 30 hours per week. Additional training from the Seller may be available at mutually agreed upon compensation from the Buyer to the Seller.